
Fairness Cream

What it does:

Himalaya’s Fairness Cream combines 100% natural ingredients to tackle a dull, uneven complexion and clear dark spots and discolored and pigmented skin. Its unique formulation ensures ease of application, faster absorption and better nourishment to the skin.

Enriched with the extracts of Persian Rose, Mandarin Orange, Walnut and Aloe Vera, Fairness Cream works round the clock, providing four-dimensional fairness. The cream enhances the complexion, evens out skin tone, imparts a natural glow and reduces the appearance of blemishes. Its easy application and absorption helps nourish skin more effectively. The herbal combination also improves hydration and skin cell renewal at the epidermal cell layers.

The result is visibly clearer and fairer skin, with the following benefits:

  • Significant reduction in pigmentation
  • Increase in skin softness
  • Effectively lightens overall complexion
  • Skin glowing effect
  • Nourishes the skin